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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The two accused persons were convicted on their own pleas of guilty to contravening s 4 (2) of the Firearms Act [Cap 10:09] after they were found in possession of a firearm which was in the dashboard of a Toyota Raum they were using. The firearm is registered but in the name of someone else. More

The plaintiff is a Philippino national resident in Zimbabwe. She on 1 June 1984 married Apolonio Ramos Dacany a Philipino in the Philippines.She thereafter on 16 February 2000 marriedthe late Baker Eddy Morten an American who was resident in Zimbabwe. The later marriage was solemnised in Zimbabwe. She at the subsequent marriage presented herself as a divorcee. She apparently complied with the requirements for the marriage of a divorcee. The magistrate who conducted the marriage said she presented a divorceorder which enabled him to issue them with a marriage certificate. More

This is an urgent chamber application for a provisional order whose interim relief sought is couched as follows: “Interim Relief Granted That pending the return date respondent be and are hereby ordered to restore vacant possession and occupation of Flat 112 Dandaro Village, Borrowdale, Harare to the applicant with immediate effect”. The terms of the final order are construed as follows:- “1. That the first and second and third respondents be and are hereby ordered not to resort to self help and in so doing evict the applicant or lock her out or deny her access to Flat 112 Dandaro... More

The applicant approached this court seeking a declaratur in terms of s 14 of the High Court [Chapter 7:06]. The applicant is seeking an order declaring that the seizure of the ISUZU KB 300 LE Single Cab truck Registration Number ABA1128 by the third respondent be and is hereby declared illegal. The brief background which gave rise to this application is that sometime in 2011, the applicant purchased the motor vehicle in question from his mother-in-law a Mrs Mungofa who also had purchased it from EU Microproject Programme in 2010 at Ruby Auctions. In February 2015, the motor vehicle was... More

The plaintiff’s cause of action arises from a contract farming agreement for provision of crop inputs and financial assistance to the defendants in the sum of $ 575 164.68, for the production of flue cured Virginia tobacco.The defendants were required to deliver the entire crop after harvest to the plaintiff which would in turn recover the value of inputs and monies advanced from the proceeds of the sale. If the tobacco delivered was insufficient to discharge the input debt for the season, the plaintiff was entitled to demand and recover the outstanding debt from the defendant. The plaintiff’s case is... More