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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The full facts of this matter are set out in the judgment of this court, per MUREMBA J, under case number HH 247-18 commencing at page 7 thereof. In that matter, an application for rescission of default judgment, the Deed of Trust was not placed before the court. More

This is an appeal against refusal of bail. The appellant is appearing at the Regional Court in Harare (sitting as a Designated Anti-Corruption Court) charged with the crime of extortion as defined in s 134(1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] “The Code”. Also preferred against him is the alternative charge of bribery as defined in s 170 of the Code. He is jointly charged with one Patrick Badza “Badza”. More

The applicant was in occupation of Glebe Farm, Goromonzi, measuring 669, 1865 hectares registered under Deed of Transfer No. 224/1996 (hereinafter called the farm). The farm was listed for compulsory acquisition by the respondent. The two parties entered into a deed of settlement which was later reduced into an order of the Administrative Court. In terms of that deed of settlement, the applicant was to retain 142.38 hectares of the farm and relinquish the remaining 526.81 hectares to the respondent. More

The applicant herein defaulted in entering an appearance to defend the summons issued against him by the respondent in case HC2038/20. As a result a default judgmentagainst him was obtained ensued by a writ of execution, consequently giving rise to this application for rescission of judgment. The undisputed factual run up is that the respondent is resident in the United Kingdom. Through her legal practitioner, one Innocent Taruvinga,entered into two separate loan agreements with the applicant. In the first one,executed on 3 July, 2020, applicant was advanced the sum of forty-five thousand (US$ 45 000, 00). Within a space of... More

This is an application for summary judgment in terms of rule 64 which reads: “(1) Where the defendant has entered appearance to a summons, the plaintiff may, at any time before a pre-trial conference is held, make a court application in terms of this rule for the court to enter summary judgment for what is claimed in the summons and costs. More