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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiffs’ herein issued summons seeking the following relief. “1. An order declaring that the 1st Plaintiff, led by the 2nd to 4th Plaintiffs, is the legitimate Medical Professional and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe registered as such in terms of the Labour Act (Chap 28:01). 2. An order declaring that the 1st Plaintiff, led by the 2nd to 4th Plaintiffs, is the Medical Professional and Allied Workers Union of Zimbabwe referred to in section 2 of the Constitution of the 4th Defendant. 3. An order interdicting the 1st to the 3rd Defendants from purporting to be leading the 1st... More

This matter is concerned with a leadership wrangle in the first applicant. The leadership wrangle pits two factions seeking control of the first applicant against each other. The leading characters are the second to fourth applicants and the first, second, fifth and sixth respondents, respectively. These are either current or former members of the National Council of the first applicant. The first applicant is a trade union which represents the interests of employees in the medical and allied industry. It is duly registered in terms of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (the Act). The third respondent is an employment council... More

MUZOFA J: The plaintiff’s claim is for damages in the sum of $35 442.00 for loss of goods and $140-00 for costs incurred in the recovery of goods. The plaintiff is in the business of distribution of fast moving goods. It transports such goods by trucks which are predominantly hired from other companies. According to plaintiff it entered into an oral agreement with the first defendant through the fourth defendant its employee for the provision of trucks. In terms of the agreement the first defendant was to transport 1 260 boxes of cooking oil from plaintiff’s warehouse in Mutare to... More

The plaintiff, a company with limited liability and carrying on business in Harare, was desirous of procuring two luxury vehicles. It sourced these vehicles from a supplier in London, England, going by the trade name of Stenham Global Services Limited. It obtained proforma invoices for the two purchases. On the invoices, the buyer was indicated as ZIMOCO LIMITED and the plaintiff as the consignee. It is common cause that armed with the invoices, the plaintiff approached the defendant with a request that it arranges for the payment due in terms of each invoice. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming payment of a sum of US$46 333-35 together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate from 1 September 2008 to the date of payment in full, and costs of suit. More