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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an appeal against refusal of bail by the magistrate’s court. Both appellants were arraigned before a magistrate sitting at Harare facing two counts of fraud as defined in s136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] and were denied bail pending trial. Dissatisfied with that decision, they now appeal to this court. More

This is a court application for review in terms of section 26 and 27 of the High Court Act Chapter 7:06 as read with Order 33 of the then High Court Rules 1971 in which, at this point of the judgment, the court is called upon to decide on a number of preliminary points. More

This is an application for the upliftment of the bar operating against the applicant in HC 5817/15. The events leading up to the present application are set out in the founding affidavit filed on behalf of the applicant sworn to by Raymond Maxime Smithlock who deposed as follows: More

The respondent, as the plaintiff, issued summons against the four excipients, as the defendants. The precise relief which the respondent seeks is set out in the summons as follows: “(a) An order declaring that he is a 30% shareholder of DMC Holdings (Private) Limited (1st Defendant) and consequently has an interest in Christmas Gift (Private) Limited (2nd Defendant) and in the land held by 2nd Defendant being the Remainder of Christmas Gift held under Deed of Transfer No. 820/51 and Deed of Transfer No. 2681/13. (b) An order declaring that because of his interest in 2nd Defendant and the land... More

This is an application for the review of a decision to retrench approved by the 1st respondent on the 30th of May 2005, in terms of section 12C of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. The grounds for review are that the 1st respondent approved the retrenchment of the applicants by the 2nd respondent, firstly, while the question as to who could lawfully retrench the applicants was sub judice, secondly, without having heard the applicants on the merits of the matter and, thirdly, by failing to incorporate the issue of motor vehicles in the terms of retrenchment. More