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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff in this matter claims the sum of US$9798.20 as damages for unlawful assault allegedly perpetrated by members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) acting within the course and scope of their employment. The defendants admit that the plaintiff was arrested and detained by members of the ZRP but deny that he was assaulted during his arrest and detention. More

The plaintiff and defendant, who are wife and husband respectively, entered into an unregistered customary union in July 1999. They never formalised their customary union but were nonetheless customarily married from that time up until 7 September 2022 when the defendant gave his wife a divorce token (gupuro). More

This is an urgent application in which the applicant seeks the following relief: “1. Terms of the Final Order sought That you should show cause to this Honourable court why an order should not be made in the following terms: (a) That the proposed meeting of 10 March be and is hereby set aside. (b) Cost of this (sic) to be borne by the first respondent. 2. Interim Relief Granted More

The appellant issued summons out of the Magistrates Court in which she sought the eviction of the respondent from a subdivision of No. 9 Vickers Road, Belvedere, a property which she allegedly bought from one Shingirai Fabion Nhowe on 30 October 2017, and for which she held title deeds after having paid the purchase price. She also sought payment of rental arrears in the sum of US $ 3 000.00 for the period December 2018 to February 2019. Holding over damages at the rate of 35RTGS Bond per day from date of service of summons up to date of vacation... More

On 6 December 2002, the plaintiff was driving her motor vehicle, Peugeot 405, with the registration number 698-058 H at the intersection of Samora Machel Avenue and Maiden Drive in Harare. The motor vehicle was involved in an accident with the first defendant’s vehicle a Toyota Land Cruiser, registration number 799-714. The accident was caused solely through the negligence of the first defendant who accepted liability for the accident in full and without reservation. The plaintiff’s motor vehicle was extensively damaged in the accident. One garage quoted the plaintiff the sum of $7 million to repair the accident damage. The... More