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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application made in terms of Order 28 r191 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules,1971 for leave to administer interrogatories in a matter in which the plaintiff, a senior legal practitioner and a partner at the law firm of Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans in Harare, has sued the first defendant, a detective inspector in the Zimbabwe Republic Police(‘ZRP’) the second defendant, a detective chief inspector in the ZRP, the third defendant who is the Commissioner General of the ZRP, the fourth defendant, who is the Attorney General of this country and the Co - Ministers of Home... More

On 2 November 2009, the applicant was arrested by the 1st respondent on allegations of contravening section 184(1)(c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations were that he had obstructing the course of justice by attempted to interfere with the Attorney General of Zimbabwe in the discharge of his duties. On 3 November, 2009, the applicant filed an urgent chamber application in case No. HC 5369/09 seeking in the interim, his release from police custody. In the final relief, he sought a declarator that his arrest and detention were unlawful. The application was, on my... More

On 24 March 2015 the applicants and the respondents entered into an agreement of sale of a residential property called Stand Number 2537 of Zisalisali Lot 4, measuring 2000 square metres, held under Deed of Transfer Number 5126/2009 at a price of US$ 32 500,00. More

The plaintiff and defendant were married in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5:11] on 23 April 1994. Their marriage was blessed with 3 children of whom two are now majors. These two were born before the solemnization of the marriage on 22 April 1994. The 3rd child was born on 29 June 1994 and is thus a minor. More

This is an application for an anti-dissipation interdict in which the applicant wants the respondents prohibited from disposing of certain immovable properties pending the finalisation of the applicant’s pending summons claim under HC 2397/23. More