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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
There was only one applicant before me. Despite the citation of Shireem Ismail as the second applicant, it was common cause that she was not before me. The application was filed on 23 August 2018. Shireem Ismail died on 10 November 2016 at Rusape. May her soul rest in eternal peace. After hearing argument on 3 September 2018 I dismissed the application with costs. These are my reasons. This is an urgent chamber application for stay of eviction pending determination of an application for rescission of default judgment. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrate Court for the Province of Mashonaland sitting at Harare handed down on 18 January, 2022. On 18 December 2020, appellant issued out summons against the respondents seeking payment of USD1100.00, or the Zimbabwe dollar equivalent thereof, for outstanding fees, plus USD700, or the Zimbabwe dollar equivalent thereof, being one term’s fees in lieu of a notice of withdrawal from the school and interest at the prescribed rate together with costs on a higher scale. On 19 May 2021 respondents entered a plea coupled with a counter claim. The matter was... More

This is an appeal against a judgment of the Magistrates Court which was seized with determining the appropriate award between the parties, of the immovable property stand number 4078 Manyame Park, Chitungwiza after the dissolution of the tacit universal partnership between them. More

The background to the dispute is decipherable from the applicant’s founding affidavit. It is as follows. The second respondent herein instituted action proceedings against the applicant under HC 11725/16 in terms of which the second respondent, as the plaintiff therein claimed against the applicant, as defendant in those proceedings, the sum of US$58 500 being the balance due in respect of some 1 500 army rucksack bags manufactured and delivered to the applicant herein at the applicant’s instance. The second respondent also claimed interest on the said amount plus costs of suits on a legal practitioner and client scale. At... More

The applicant has approached this court seeking a declaratur to the effect that she be paid what is owed to her by her former employer, the respondent, in United States Dollars. She also seeks that the court declares her employers’ conduct of seeking to pay her dues in Zimbabwean dollars unlawful. The application is opposed. The facts of this matter are clearly straight forward and are not in contention. The applicant herein was formerly employed by the respondent on a contract basis as the Executive Director. Upon the termination of her employment contract she sought payment of her salary arrears... More