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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants seeking an order declaring him the sole holder of the rights, title and interest in a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called Stand 757 Kambuzuma Township measuring 255 square metres held under Deed of Transfer No 1251/2012 also known as Stand No 757 Section 3 Kambuzuma, Harare. He also seeks an order that second defendant be ordered to, within three days of service of the order of court upon him, rectify the said Deed of Transfer No. 1251/2012 by deleting the first defendant’s name as registered co-owner of... More

The applicant appeared before the Magistrate Court on a charge of performing indecent acts with a young person as defined in s 70 (1) (a) (i) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. After a contested trial the applicant was convicted and sentenced to 24 months imprisonment, 6 months of which were suspended for 3 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. The conviction and sentence was on 19 February 2018. He lodged his appeal with this court on 26 February 2018. More

The background to his application is that the applicant was convicted by the Magistrate sitting at Harare on a charge of negligent driving as defined in s 52(2) of the Road Traffic Act, [Chapter 13:11]. On 9 March 2018, the applicant was sentenced to pay a fine of $400.00 in default of payment 4 months imprisonment. The applicant was not satisfied with his conviction and sentence. He noted an appeal against both conviction and sentence to this court as he was entitled to. The applicant’s appeal was dismissed in its entirety by judgment of the appeal court delivered on 19... More

The applicant is a former Chief Executive of First Mutual Limited. First Mutual Society was an insurance company offering products associated with life insurance and the provision of pension benefits and investments. Some time ago it undertook a demutualization process as a result of which shares were offered to members of the general public on 17 November 2003. As a result of the demutualization a limited liability company came into being as First Mutual Limited (FML). It was decided within FML itself that in order to motivate staff to perform better a certain percentage of the shares should be availed... More

The applicant was convicted by the regional magistrate at Harare on 15 March 2017 on two counts of attempted armed robbery “as defined in s 189 as read with s 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] and on one count of possession of a fire-arm without a fire arms certificate as defined in s 4(1) of the Fire arms Act, [Chapter 10:09]. The details of the two charges of armed robbery were that, on 14 January 2017, the accused whilst armed with a pistol which is the subject of the charge of unlawful possession of... More