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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff and defendant who are wife and husband respectively are Zimbabwean citizens and domiciled in Zimbabwe. They however married each other in Zambia on 21 November 1967 under the provisions of the Marriage Ordinance, Zambia. This court has jurisdiction to deal with the divorce proceedings instituted by the plaintiff. More

This is an application for condonation for late filing of an application to set aside Sheriff’s confirmation of sale. More

The applicant approached the court through the urgent chamber book on 6 August 2013. The matter was set down for 15 August 2013 on which day both applicant and respondent counsel addressed the court. More

The plaintiff is the owner of certain business premises at Chisipite Shopping Centre called Lot 11 Chisipte Township Hindhead Avenue, Chisipte. In terms of a written agreement, the plaintiff leased the premises to Décor and Design in or about 1996. In March 1998, Décor and Design ceded its rights and obligations under the lease to the defendant. More

Applicant was married to the second respondent from 1986 to 2012.A divorce order was granted in 2012 which resulted in the applicant being granted a certain immovable property StandNo.13687 Harare Township. The applicant approached this court in a separate application seeking an application for declarator that was granted in her favor by my brother Judge MSITHU J. The first respondent in this matter then noted an appeal in the Supreme Court against MSITHU J’s judgement.The appeal was successful thereby setting aside MSITHU J’s judgement in HC3715/19. The first respondent has now raised special plea of res judicata in the present... More