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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The people of this country repose their trust in persons whom they elect into Parliament and, in particular, those whom the President of Zimbabwe appoints to the office(s) of Vice-President, Minister or Deputy-Minister. It is for such persons who are collectively known as public officers that the people enacted section 106(3) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (NO. 20) Act, 2013 (“the constitution”) during the constitution-making process which culminated in a referendum which Zimbabwe held in 2013. In enacting section 106(3) as they did, the people intended to have these public office bearers work in a transparent manner so that... More

This is an application for maintenance made in terms of the Deceased Person Family Maintenance Act [Cap 6:03] (hereinafter referred to as [Cap 6:03]). The application is opposed by the second respondent. The applicant is the mother of the two minor children namely Tasimba and Keith Chingarire aged 11 and 12 years respectively. The two minor children are born to the deceased John Chingarire. The applicant and the late John Chingarire had a customary law union which was dissolved before the death of John Chingarire. The first respondent is the Estate of the late John Chingarire represented by Mr F... More

Most issues relevant for the determination of this case are by and large common cause. The undisputed facts are that the first applicant Nyasha Chikwinya was allocated 84,027 hectares of State land at Pilgrims Rest Farm in the township of Hatcliffe situate in the district of Salisbury by the Government of Zimbabwe under the lawful authority of the third respondent being the Ministry of Local Government Rural and Urban Development. The applicant was given the land as compensation of land she had lost at the behest of the Ministry as duly confirmed by its permanent secretary Mr Shawatu. More

This is an urgent chamber application which had been set down for hearing on 22 July 2021. Due to Practice Direction 6 of 2021 addressing COVID-19 Prevention and Containment, the hearing was cancelled and the matter is to be determined on the papers. Both parties filed their pleadings. More

The respondent is a holder of a 99 year lease agreement in respect of Maketo Farm also known as subdivision 23 of Battle Fields. The three applicants who are Nyasha Makumbe, Ernest Zimunu and Willard Muchemenye individually entered into 20 year lease agreements with the respondent in 2018 and 2019. More