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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons on 22 September 2005 claiming; (a) payment of the sum of $3 912 125 000,00 by the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved, being accident damages negligently caused to him by 1st defendant; an employee of the 2nd defendant in the course and scope of his employment; (b) Interest on the principal amount at 30% per annum from date of accident to date of full payment; and (c) Costs of suit. More

On the 12th of October 2023 I granted an order in H5397/21 in the following terms; 1. The point of law raised by the First Defendant be and is hereby dismissed 2. The application for amendment be and is hereby granted. 3. The Plaintiff summons and pleadings be and are hereby amended to read Olympia Farm (Private) Limited. 4. No other amendments are permissible without the leave of the court 5. No order as to costs. More

The applicant is a company registered and operating in Zimbabwe and carrying on mining operations. The respondent is the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA), an administrative authority established in terms of the Revenue Authority Act [Chapter 23.11] tasked with the obligation to collect taxes and other statutory dues and fees. The applicant holds in its possession some virgin land which it has held for over 30 years as an investment. The applicant has decided to start a new venture wherein it will develop this land and subdivide it into residential/housing stands. As the project to develop this new line of business... More

On 29 March 2008, the harmonised presidential, parliamentary and council elections were held in Zimbabwe. The petitioner stood as the candidate on behalf of Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) ‘ZANU PF’ for the House of Assembly seat in the constituency of Dzivarasekwa. The first respondent contested the seat on behalf of the Movement for Democratic Change ‘MDC’. The second respondent was responsible to conduct and supervise the polls. The first respondent was declared the winner of the Dzivarasekwa seat. More

The applicant alleges that it duly submitted its income tax assessment for the relevant years 2020 to 2022 within the stipulated submission deadlines and settled its dues in full using the legal tender of the country being the Zimbabwe Dollar. A total amount of ZWL 183 392 906.00 was paid. In addition, a further amount of US$180 000.00 was paid in an attempt to reach an amicable settlement to this matter. Despite the applicant’s conviction that it had properly discharged its obligations, the first respondent, on 28 April 2023 issued tax assessments covering the years 2020 to 2022. These assessments... More