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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for summary judgment wherein the applicant seeks the eviction of the respondent and all those claiming occupation through him from house number 1131, Chipadze Township, Binduraand costs of suit. More

The plaintiff sought an order for the eviction of the defendant, and all those claiming occupation through him, from House No 1489 Mushambi Road, Chiwaridzo, Bindura (the property) and costs of suit. More

This is an application in which the following order is sought; “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The sale agreement entered between the 4th respondent and the late Samson Katsande in his capacity as the then executor of the estate of the late Christian Tatenda Kadira in respect of stand 77, the Grange, Harare, be declared a nullity. 2. The reversal of the transfer from the late Christian Kadira to the 4th respondent 3. The title deed 2004/2001 be and is hereby cancelled. 4. The 4th respondent to surrender title deed 2004/2001 to the 5th respondent within 48 hours of service... More

The plaintiff is a company with limited liability duly registered in accordance with the laws of South Africa. It has sued the defendants for the payment of various sums of money which it alleges are due to it arising from the supply by it, the plaintiff to an entity called Superbake, with which the defendants are all alleged to be connected to. The suit is defended, not because the debt is denied, but because the defendants have placed liability for the payment of the debt on the shoulders of the fourth defendant, which entity the plaintiff denies ever having contracted... More

The appellant was convicted by a regional magistrate sitting at Harare Magistrate Court on two counts of fraud and one count of Theft by Conversion. Upon his conviction, the appellant was sentenced as follows: “Count 2 - six years imprisonment Count 3 - three years imprisonment Count 5 - three years imprisonment. More