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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicants seek an order compelling the first respondent to transfer to them within three months of the order, ownership of a certain piece of land situate in Harare called Stand 3225 Bluffhill Township. The claim is based on an alleged agreement of sale between the applicants and the first respondent dated 23 June 2016. The applicants allege the first respondent has evinced an intention to cancel that agreement, or to breach it. More

In case No. HC 3719/20 the first respondent obtained a default judgment per CHAREWA J against the applicant on 7 October 2020 in a claim for the ejectment of the first respondent and all those claiming through her from premises called G3 Mimosa Flats, South Road, Norton. The default judgment was applied for and granted on the basis that the applicant having been personally served with summons on 3 August, 2020 failed to enter appearance to defend. In consequence of such failure to enter appearance to defend, the applicant was barred from filing the appearance to defend or any other... More

The law relating to requests for referral of a constitutional issue in terms of s 175 (4) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe is now well settled. The section makes it mandatory that a person presiding in any court subordinate to the Constitutional Court refers the question to the apex court when requested to do so by a party unless he/she finds that the request is frivolous or vexatious. It is a matter not in the discretion of the judge or magistrate whether or not to refer. The provision is mandatory. It is only a finding on the frivolity or vexatiousness... More

This application seeks the Urgent intervention of this Honourable Court to stop the clear violation of the law with impunity, and the continued violation of property rights, being perpetrated against the applicant by the first and second respondents and those claiming through them. More

On 18 October 2012, I pronounced my decision in this case. I indicated my reasons would follow. Here they are: The plaintiff originally issued summons in this court on 24 October 2005 against the defendant seeking an order to compel the defendant to return her property which had been deposited with the defendant for safe keeping when the plaintiff left this country for the United Kingdom. More