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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This judgment is in respect of two matters which were argued before me. Case No. HC 12469/11 is an application for the rescission of a judgment given in default of the applicant in Case No. HC 3729/09.Case No. HC12468/11is an application for condonation of the applicant’s failure to file the application for rescission of judgment viz. HC 12469/11 within the time prescribed by the Rules of this Court. After hearing argument from both counsel I dismissed the application for condonation. The effect of that was that there was no application for rescission of judgment properly before the Court, hence Case... More

On the night of 25 October 2006 the plaintiff, a farmer in Chegutu, was driving a Landrover Defender motor vehicle registration number AAU 0482 which is a 1996 model along Prince Edward approaching Lezard Avenue in Milton Park Harare at about 23:00 hours, when he beheld a Leyland Truck registration number AAA 4555 belonging to the second defendant from a distance of about 10 metres. More

The issue for determination in casu is whether or not service of a petition on respondent’s legal practitioner is proper service in terms of the Electoral Act [Cap 2:13] (“the Act”). I want to quickly state that an affirmative answer to the issue raised depends on whether or not there is clear evidence that the respondent chose that course. More

The respondent, which was the plaintiff in the court a quo issued summons against the appellant (respondent in the court a quo) seeking an order evicting the respondent from the immovable property known as stand number 442, Gaza Township, Chipinge. This property was allegedly owned by the late Bayeni Hardwell Chiororo who died on 22 December 2004. The property is now part of the deceased’s estate. Joseph Chiororo was duly appointed executor of this estate. More

The appellant, Paul Mgodi, who was a respondent in an application for an interdict in the court below, was interdicted from developing or causing the development of Stand 1484 Chirundu. The applicant, was Duweni Kutepa and is the first respondent herein. His averments in seeking that interdict were that sometime in 2015 he had been offered a commercial stand, being Stand 1484 Chrirundu by Chirundu Local Board, the second respondent herein. This had been through a letter dated 4 December 2014 which he annexed to his application. He averred that he had since paid the purchase price inclusive of all... More