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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff issued summons from this court seeking eviction of the four defendants from a church property known as No 2666T corner Bimha and Mbira Street, Rujeko Township, Marondera. The Sheriff duly served the summons on the four defendants on 24 August 2023 and 25 August 2023. More

This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicant seeks the following relief: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT. The respondents should show cause why a final order should not be made in the following terms: - 1. Respondents be and are hereby interdicted from transferring Stand No 140 Christon Bank Township of Maryvale of Mgutu of Great B, before determination and finalization of case no HC 1753/09. 2. First and second respondents should pay costs of suit on a higher scale of attorney and client scale jointly and severally one paying for the other to be absolved. More

The applicants who are all members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police sought a declaratur to the effect that their conviction and sentence by the police force after having been charged in a court of law on allegations of theft and fraud was wrongful and unlawful. They also sought that the Commissioner General of Police be ordered to reinstate all four of them into the police service forth with. More

The applicant is a company which is duly registered as such in accordance with the laws of this country. It is indisputably a mass media provider. The applicant was the publisher of two newspapers, The Daily News, which was a daily newspaper and The Daily News on Sunday. It is not registered in terms of the Access of Information and Protection of Privacy Act [Chapter 10:23] (AIPPA) as a mass media provider and is thus not publishing the newspapers concerned. It has launched these proceedings for an order that it be deemed to be registered in terms of the Act.... More

On 28 July 2005, the applicant filed a court application in terms of Order 33 of the Rules of the High Court of Zimbabwe, 1971. The application was for a review of the proceedings and decision of the respondent, handed down on 18 July 2005, denying the respondent registration as a media service provider in terms of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, [Chapter 10:27]. The grounds given in the application for the review were procedural irregularity and bias on the part of the Chairperson of the respondent. More