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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant Peppy Motors (Private) Limited is seeking an order that- “1. The 1st and 2nd Respondents or any of their agents and or employees, or anyone acting on their behalf or on his own are ordered to release and restore possession into the applicant and or its agents or employees’ custody within two (2) days of this order failure which the Sheriff of the High Court is hereby ordered and directed to do all things possible to restore possession and cause release into Applicant or its agents or, its employees’ custody and possession of the following motor vehicles:- a.... More

The applicant seeks the rescission of a judgment entered against him in default by this court on 26 June 2008. The effect of the order was to cause the eviction of the applicant and all those claiming occupation through him from residential premises described in the order as 1075 Chipadze Township Bindura. Only the first respondent opposed the application and I will hereinafter refer to it as the respondent. The facts which are common cause are as follows. The applicant was until November 2007 employed by the respondent. By dint of his status as an employee the applicant was allocated... More

Following the plaintiff’s and the first defendant’s divorce in the Magistrate’s court at Norton, they were both awarded equal shares in house number 4334 CABS, Ngoni, Norton. The first defendant subsequently sold the house to the second defendant. More

The applicant seeks a review of a decision made by the first respondent in respect of his application for registration of a special prospecting license for claims at Silverside Mhangura in Mashonaland West. The first respondent rejected the applicant’s application in a letter appearing at p 44 of the record which letter will be analyzed in fuller detail in the course of the judgment, and herein after referred to as the rejection letter. More

The appellants were charged, tried and convicted in the magistrates court of one count each of Criminal Abuse of Duty as defined in s 174(1) (a) of the Criminal law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More