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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This matter came as an exparte urgent chamber application for stay of execution of the default judgment granted under HC 10745/11 pending the determination of an application for rescission of judgement in that case. I directed that the other party be served with the application and that the application be set down for argument. Thereafter, I dismissed the application and gave an ex tempo judgement. I have now been requested for detailed reasons. More

This matter came before me as a special case in terms of Order 29 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules, 1971. At the pre-trial conference of the parties held before a Judge the parties identified the issue for determination as:- “Whether the first defendant (the insurer) is contractually/statutorily obligated to pay the plaintiff the damages claimed and if not, the extent of the first defendant’s statutory liability”. More

MAKONI J: The applicant approached this court seeking the setting aside of an arbitral award granted by the first respondent and thereafter substitute the award with its own order on the terms suggested by the applicant in the draft order. More

This urgent chamber application was allocated to me through the Chamber book on 19 July 2017 and upon perusing it, I endorsed that the matter was not urgent. I have now been requested to furnish the reasons thereof by the applicant, I hereby furnish them. More

All the five petitioners filed petitions challenging the results in the elections held on 29 March 2008. The petitions were presented and lodged with the Registrar of the Electoral Court (the Registrar) on 14 April 2008 in terms of section 168 of the Electoral Act [Chapter 2:13] (the Act). More