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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant is a legal practitioner and senior partner at the law firm of Musunga& Associates which cherishes its domicile in Harare, Zimbabwe. The respondent is the regulating authority governing the activities of legal practitioners in this jurisdiction. The applicant has made an approach to this court in terms of Order 33 Rule 256 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules, 1971 seeking a review of the decision of the respondent handed down on 14 July 2010 in which he was found guilty of professional misconduct and “reprimanded and warned to always act as a diligent conveyancer.” More

In this case, the plaintiff seeks the following order; a. That the defendants and all those claiming occupation through them be and are hereby ejected from a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called stand 2133 Bluff Hill Township 1180 Bluff Hill Township measuring 810 square metres registered in favour of the plaintiff under deed of registration number 5553/2000 also known as 2133, Area D, Westgate, Harare. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interim interdict, in particular for what is commonly referred to as an anti-dissipation interdict. This form of an interdict is a summary order meant to preserve assets by restraining their disposal pending the determination of a dispute involving the parties. The dispute pending is an action matter Case No. HC1349/24 initiated by the applicant against the first respondent. More

In March, 2008 the plaintiff and the defendant concluded an agreement in terms of which the plaintiff paid Z$2 750 000 000 000 (two trillion seven hundred and fifty billion dollars) for 2 200 x 195R14 brand new tyres which the defendant allegedly agreed to deliver by 2 March, 2008. To date, the defendant has only delivered 200 tyres leaving a balance of 2000 tyres. The current market value of the tyres is pegged at US$100 per tyre. In the event the plaintiff is claiming delivery of the outstanding tyres, alternatively US$200 000-00 representing the current market value of the... More

The plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is for specific performance in the form of delivery of 2000 x 195 R 14 inch tyres within fourteen days of date of judgment, alternatively payment of US$2000 000-00 being the estimated value of the tyres at US$100-00 each. Interest on the above sum and costs of suit are also claimed. More