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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
1. I received an urgent chamber application referenced HC 5081/22 on 1 August 2022. I set it down for hearing on 3 August 2022 at 1000 hours. 2. In the morning of 3 August 2022, I found a copy of a letter to the Honourable Judge President on my desk. The letter was dated 2 August 2022 and alleged that there had been prior discussions between myself and representatives of the firstrespondent. 3. At 1000 hours the hearing of the urgent chamber application commenced.Mr Mutero submitted that the concerns raised in the letter mentioned above were no longer persisted with.... More

This is a court application for a Declaratory Order and Consequential relief made in terms of s 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7.06]. The application is for an order declaring that the amendments made by respondent on 18 November 2015 to Permit No. SD/381 issued by respondent on 7 April 1999 are null and void. The application also seeks that the amendments made by respondent to para 2 of the Subdivision Permit No. SD/381 regarding the status of the road on 18 November 2015 be and are hereby set aside. More

On the 20thJuly 2018, the first respondent instituted legal proceedings against the applicant under HC 6771/18 where the first respondent sought an Order compelling the applicant to transfer stand 456 Prospect Township of Stand 85 of Prospect to him. According to the first respondent the parties had entered into an agreement of sale of the property and had paid the purchase price in full. On the 23rd July 2018 the first respondent allegedly served the application on one Crispen and using a certificate of service certified by a legal practitioner the first respondent applied for default judgment which was grantedby... More

This matter came before me as a stated case for argument. After hearing the parties I granted the order sought and indicated that my reasons would follow. I now set them out. On 23 November 2000, the plaintiff issued summons seeking the ejectment of the defendant from certain residential property whose street name is no 509 ULC Area 13 Dangamvura Township, Mutare. The claim for ejectment was resisted by the second defendant. More

The applicant’s legal practitioners have noted an appeal against the order granted on 23 February, 2011 dismissing her application. They have requested for the reasons for the dismissal of the application. These are they. The applicant was initially a self-actor. She appeared in person on 2 February 2011 and applied for the postponement of the matter to enable her to secure legal representation. I duly granted her the indulgence which she had sought and postponed the hearing to 23 February 2011. More