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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
1. This is an application brought in terms of the common law for the setting aside of a property seizure order. 2. The property seizure order was granted by this court on 21 February 2022. It was made on the basis of an application by the Prosecutor-General in terms of s 47 of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act [Chapter 9:24] (“the Money Laundering Act”). The application that gave rise to the order was an ex parte chamber application. More

The now appellant was the applicant before the court a quo. The brief background is that he met the respondent in 2008 and they contracted a customary law union in 2016 and separated in or about December 2019. Three children were born to them being: i. Simbarashe Mangwengwende, a boy, born on 20 April 2010. ii. Akudzwe Kateve Mangwengwende, a boy, born on 18 June 2012; and iii. Tawana Chidiwa Mangwengwende, a girl, born on 3 July 2015. Upon separation of the parties, the children remained in the custody of the respondent. Having been denied custody, the appellant lodged this... More

The applicant filed an urgent application wherein it seeks an order in the following terms: TERMS OF INTERIM ORDER 1. Pending the determination of case number 6909/10, the respondents be and are hereby ordered to give the applicant forthwith vacant possession of its business premises at number 1 Manchester Road, Industrial Area, Chinhoyi and all its property thereat. More

The plaintiff brought a claim for $181 273.00 against the defendant, its former farm manager. The defendant has in response, filed a claim in reconvention amounting to $123 259.75. The parties will for ease of reference, be referred to as plaintiff and defendant. More

This is a Court Application for contempt of court, in particular the High Court Order issued against the respondents by JUSTICE FOROMA, sitting at Harare on the 18th December 2019 under HC 8736/19. This application for civil contempt is based on the fact that the actions and conduct of the respondents are both willful and mala fide in their refusal or failure to comply with an order of this court. More