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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an Urgent Chamber Application in terms of Rule 57 (2) (a) of the High Court Rules 2021, for an interdict against the respondents pending the finalization of the matter under HC 2528/22. More

The applicant Athos Proestos and the first respondent Christalleni Proestos are brother and sister. Their dispute lies in the validity of their mother’s will which accorded Christalleni Proestos property known as known as stand 12895 Salisbury Township also known as number 94 Churchill Avenue, Gun Hill, Harare, Zimbabwe. The will also made her an executor of the estate. Applicant’s complaint is that their parents’ estates were fraudulently registered by Christalleni on the strength of that fraudulent will, having torn up their mother’s will of 2000 which granted the property equally to both of them. In her capacity as executor, Christalleni... More

This is a divorce action wherein what is to be determined in the trial is couched as follows in the joint pretrial conference minute: - “The constitution and distribution of matrimonial assets.” More

The 1st defendant has raised an exception to the plaintiffs’ summons and declaration and a special plea in bar against the 1st plaintiff the details of which will be dealt with later in this judgment. More

By way of a brief back ground and so far as the pleadings give insight to the matter, the Plaintiff Augur Investments OU is a peregrine private company incorporated in Mauritius under the laws of that country. It is also registered in Zimbabwe as a foreign company and carries on business in Zimbabwe. The second plaintiff Tatiana Aleshina is a private individual whilst the third plaintiff Kenneth Sharpe is described as an adult male with repute as a businessman. The first defendant Tendai Biti is an adult male and a legal practitioner whilst the second defendant Movement for Democratic Change... More