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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is application for a declaratory order declaring the ruling by the Arbitrator null and void for want of compliance with s 89(2)(c) iii) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01], which requires that an award for reinstatement must have as an alternative specific amount of damages to be awarded to the employee concerned. More

The following facts are common cause. The plaintiff is the owner of business premises situated at defendant No 18 Shepperton Road, Graniteside, Harare. On 16 December, 2002, the company entered into a lease agreement with the defendant whereby the defendant leased from the plaintiff a portion of the business premises. The lease agreement was renewable annually. In 2005, the parties agreed to renew the agreement every four months and would agree on the monthly rental for the four months. In December 2005 the rental was $40 million. It was a term of the agreement that rent was payable on or... More

This is an application for the confirmation of a provisional order granted on an urgent basis on 27 July 2020 wherein the respondent and anyone in its employ was interdicted from extracting mineral resources at applicant’s mining claim registered as 40826BM. The final order sought herein is that respondent and anyone in its employ should allow applicant access to its mining site, hand over the same to applicant and not interfere with applicant’s claim and activities on the said claim. More

The appellant hereinan estate agency negotiated a sale of an immovable property between the Estate Late Hayisa the seller, and the respondent. The respondent failed to raise the purchase price which he purported was coming from abroad. He duly notified the appellants as agents of the seller of his predicament advising them to sellthe property to another purchaser. More

The plaintiff seeks provisional sentence in the sum of US$36 457-11 together with interest at the rate of 5% per annum from 19 October 2011 to date of payment, a sum contained in various quotations attached to the provisional sentence summons. He also relies on the judgment of this court, being HH 79-06, per BHUNU J, ordering the defendant to pay the plaintiff the sum of $4 744 515 138-00 (four billion seven hundred and forty four million five hundred and fifteen thousand one hundred and thirty eight Zimbabwe dollars), plus interest at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. More