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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiffs’ case is that they own certain housing units situate in RAN mine compound. The 18 defendants were among other employees who were employed by RAN mine. They were given accommodation as part of their employment benefits. In 1999 the mine workers, including the defendants, were retrenched from work and paid their retrenchment package which included a relocation allowance of $5000. The plaintiffs said the retrenchment was approved by the Ministry of Labour in line with labour laws and that the retrenchment package was one agreed to by the Works Council and Management. Despite demand, it is alleged the... More

This an application for the registration of an arbitral award as an order of this court for purposes of enforcement. The application is made in terms of s 98(14) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] (“the Act”) which provides as follows: “(14) Any party to whom an arbitral award relates may submit for registration the copy of it furnished to him in terms of subs (13) to the court of any magistrate which would have had jurisdiction to make an order corresponding to the award had the matter been determined by it, or, if the arbitral award exceeds the jurisdiction... More

This is an application for a spoliation order whereby the applicants pray for restoration of status-a-quo ante prevailing at Plot No. 1 Robbsdale Farm Mhangura as at 17 June 2017. On the return date the applicants would pray for a final order in the nature of an interdict where the applicants are barred from unlawfully interfering with the applicants farming activities at and occupation of Plot No. 1 Robbsale Farm. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The applicant was convicted by a Provincial Magistrate at Chipinge on three counts of stock theft as defined in s 114 of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

The applicant is the executor and a beneficiary in the estate of the late Juawo Nkomo (“Juawo”), his father. During his lifetime and in particular on 20 August 2013, the late Juawo entered into a mining joint venture agreement (“the agreement”) with the 1st respondent, a company duly incorporated in terms of the laws of the country. He was the registered owner of the mine called Koodoo 10 Mine, Makaha (“the mine”) situate in Mudzidistrict. [2] In terms of the agreement, Juawo would facilitate change of ownership of the mine to incorporate the 1st respondent as co-owner of the mine... More