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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a court application in which applicant seeks an order in the following terms: “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. The arbitral award by the Honourable Mutangadura dated 20 September 2018 did not delve into agreed terms of reference and consequently was not a final award. 2. Applicant be and is hereby entitled to refer the dispute to another arbitrator for resolution. 3. Each party to bear its own costs.” More

This is a court application to sell assets of companies under judicial management in terms of section 307 of the Companies Act [Chapter 24:03]. As I waded through the application, it became apparent that the application was brought in terms of s 307 of Companies Act after its repeal. Consequently, I dismissed the application and directed the applicant to pay first respondent’s costs. More

This is an application for a declaratur to the effect that the applicant’s customary marriage to the Late Wilfred Mandizvidza is valid for the purposes of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01]. More

: The parties were married in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11] on 30 May 1998. The marriage was blessed with four minor children Melanie MunasheTangirai (born 18 February 1999), MalvinTinasheTangirai (born 24 January 2003), Cerise VongaisheTangirai (born 20 March 2004) and Denise Tangirai (born 2 March 2007). Following certain unhappy differences the parties separated in 2008. They have not lived together as husband and wife since that date. Upon separation the plaintiff remained with the custody of the three eldest children whilst defendant retained custody of the youngest child. On 4 January 2011 the plaintiff issued summons out... More

The appellant appeared before a Bindura magistrate facing a charge of contravening s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act [Cap9:23], that is fraud. The allegations are briefly that sometime in September 2008, the appellant fraudulently sold the complainant a grinding mill. That the appellant failed at the time of the sale, to disclose the fact that the grinding mill was built under a power line and on unapproved plans and that it had been condemned by Chaminuka Rural District Council. More