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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
HUNGWE J: The appellants were convicted of bribery after a protracted trial. They were each sentenced to 24 months imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment was suspended for a period of five years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. They both appealed against conviction and sentence. They were legally represented at their trial. On appeal only second appellant was legally represented. Their trial lawyers filed the grounds of appeal which addressed various issues they intended to argue on appeal. First appellant’s grounds of appeal failed to comply with r 22 (1) of the Criminal Appeals Rules applicable to the... More

The applicant applies for condonation of late noting of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court and for leave to appeal under the following background. The applicant together with the co-accused at trial was convicted by the senior magistrate, at Harare on 26 March 1012 upon a charge of bribery as defined by s 170(1)(a) of the (Criminal Law Codification and Reform ) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The details of the charge in brief were on 24 January, 2012 the applicant with her accomplice or either of them, being prosecutors in the employ of the Attorney General Office... More

After hearing arguments in this case I dismissed the plaintiff’s case on 21 August 2015. I did indicate then that my reasons would follow. Here they are. The facts The following facts are common cause in this matter; On 15 March 2010 the plaintiff’s husband who was riding a motor cycle was involved in an accident with the Defendant’s motor vehicle along Sherwood Drive, Mabelreign, Harare. The plaintiff’s husband sustained severe injuries as a result of the accident and he died on the same day on admission at the West End Hospital, Harare. More

The applicant is an Ethiopian national who hails from Southern Ethiopia and speaks the haeye language spoken in that part of Ethiopia. He says he arrived in Zimbabwe via Nyamapanda border post in September 2011 seeking political asylum and was taken to Tongogara Refugee Camp where he has remained until his recent arrest and incarceration at Mutare prison. More

The plaintiff issued summons on 5 January 2011 against the first four defendants seeking the transfer of 51 sharesin the first defendantheld by the second defendant purportedly on his behalf in terms of an agreement entered into between the third and fourth defendants and him and costs of suit on the attorney and client scale. The action was contested by the first four defendants. More