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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff approached the honourable seeking the following order; a) an order that the first defendant transfer to first plaintiff the subdivide Stand Number 6000 Bannockburn Township, Certificate of Compliance Approval Number CC/WR/16/2021, Permit and Plan Number SD/WR/01/21 being of the remaining extent of Bannockburn measuring 72.89 hectares held under Deed of Transfer Number 7778/86. More

Litigants are discouraged from taking advantage of the court’s intention to develop the jurisprudence of the law of review of proceedings of inferior courts and tribunals by making every effort to sneak onto the roll of urgent matters applications which do not meet the requirements of urgency. A fortiori when they, for some unspecified reasons, refrain from filing their urgent applications in terms of the law which relates to applications of the mentioned nature. They should not, in other words, read a case and, without applying their mind to it, entertain the view that the circumstances of that case, the... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Honourable Magistrate sitting at Murehwa Magistrate Court on 14 day of December, 2021.The appellant and the respondent are neighbors. The appellant resides in Chidziva village, under Chief Musana in Bindura. The respondent is a resident of Majero-Chitenga village, Chikwaka, Mrewa. The parties have been embroiled in a boundary dispute for a long time as they shared the same boundary. At one time Chief Chikwaka ruled in favour of the respondent. Later headman Chikosha also ruled in favour of the respondent. Headman Chikosha also wrote a letter to the Police confirming... More

The 14 applicants filed individual urgent applications against the same respondents. At the commencement of the hearing of these applications Mr Makoni who represented all the applicants applied for the consolidation of the matters so that the court can have a single hearing. The application for consolidation was not opposed. More

GUVAVA J: This matter was placed before me on a certificate of urgency on 7 March 2013 in terms of R244 of the High Court Rules, 1972. On 11 March 2013 I endorsed on the record that the matter was not urgent having formed this opinion after reading the application before me. By letter dated 14 March 2013 the applicant’s legal practitioners requested to appear before me and make representations with regards to the issue of urgency. I then requested the Registrar to set the matter down on 18 March 2013 so that I could hear counsel. More