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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 24 November 2010 I issued a Provisional Order under Case No HC 8153/10 in favour of the first, second and third respondents herein. The applicant, the fourth and fifth respondents and one Wonder Killian Jakalasi were the respondents therein. The applicant intends to note an appeal against the order granted and has approached me for leave to note the appeal. The respondents filed papers wherein they opposed the grant of leave sought and I therefore directed that the parties file heads of argument for my assistance. More

In this application the applicant prays for the following order:- “IT IS ORDERED against both respondents jointly and severally the one paying and the other to be absolved: 1. That respondents forthwith deliver to applicant 913 253 shares in OK Zimbabwe Limited 370 356 in Pelhams Limited and 46 025 in Old Mutual PLC; 2. Costs of the Court Application”. More

Darwendale 1730 DI Edition 2, held at the office of the Surveyor-General, Harare. The land being Darwendale North Farm bounded on the North by Abercorn on the east by Greenside ranch, on the south and south west by Darwendale A and Darwendale South and on the north-west by Maryland. A 10 kilometre radius from and around 3 referenced points is inclusive with grid points 389, 559, 395, 528, 434, 483, 369, 398, 408, 399, 364, 371, 368, 365 and more clearly indicated by a plan which may be inspected free of charge at the office of the Secretary of Defence,... More

The applicant approached the court through the urgent book on 01 February 2013. The Judge court directed that the matter be set down for hearing on 04 February 2013, on which date the respondent’s legal practitioner Mr Samukange successfully applied for postponement of the matter to 06 February 2013 to enable him to take full instructions from his clients one of who was said to be out of the country. On 06 February 2013 the respondents filed opposition to the application. The applicant in that application sought an interim relief that;- More

The applicant seeks an order setting aside an award rendered by the second respondent. The arbitral award was rendered following a dispute arising from the implementation of an agreement for the sale of shares between applicant and first respondent. Second respondent was the appointed arbitrator. Applicant and the first respondent are both mining entities of high repute. The application was made in terms of Article 34 (2)(ii) of the Model Law to the Arbitration Act. The arbitral award is impugned on the basis that it offends the public policy of Zimbabwe. More