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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
As if in serious and desperate effort to get the attention of the court the two parties in these two cases filed cross urgent applications in this court on 14 October and 17 October 2013. More

In this urgent chamber application the applicants seek a provisional order in the following terms:- “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT 1. That the 1st to 7th respondents, their families, workers and/or agents are hereby ordered to restore to the first to third applicant companies and its workers to unhindered access, occupation and possession of the remainder of Weltevrede Estate also called Bhachi Farm (hereinafter called the farm) and specifically:- More

The applicants approached the court in chambers by way of urgent chamber application. Basing on the documents filed of record in particular the certificate of urgency the court set the matter down so as to be addressed. On the date of hearing the 29/3/12 the court was served with opposing documents by the respondent at almost time of hearing, for expedience the court requested both counsel for the applicant Mr Sakutukwa and Mr Chivore for the respondent to address the court on urgency and merits. It was clearly spelt out to the parties in the event that the Court made... More

Before the court is a mining dispute. The parties herein elected to progress their trial cause as a special case in terms of r 52 of the High Court Rules 2021.The agreed statement of facts recorded the following events; - [ 2] The defendant sold to plaintiff, by agreement dated 11 October 2021, its rights and interest in a set of mining blocks for a total consideration of US$ 2,050,000. The blocks were registered under number 41356BM, 41357B, 41358BM and 41359M and located at a place described as Berryl-Rose in the Mfurudzi Safari Area of Shamva District. I shall refer... More

This is an application for rescission of a default judgment in terms of Rule 29(1)(a) of the High Court Rules, 2021 (the Rules). The application is opposed. Rule 29(1)(a) of the Rules provides as follows; “29(1) The court or a judge may, in addition to any other powers it or he or she may have, on its own initiative or upon the application of any affected party, correct, rescind or vary- (a) an order or judgement erroneously sought or erroneously granted in the absence of any party affected thereby; or…” More