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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for the registration of an award in terms s 92B of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01] (THE ACT). More

The applicant approached this court seeking an order in the following terms: “IT IS BE AND HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. That condonation of the late application for leave to appeal for case number HC1788/15 be and is hereby granted. 2. That Applicant shall lodge her leave to appeal to the Supreme Court within 7 days of the granting of this order. 3. There be no order as to costs.” More

This matter was before me on the unopposed motion roll on 30 June 2021. The plaintiff applied for default judgment against the first and second defendants for payment of USD$500 000 as damages for “shock, non-patrimonial damages, post traumatic disorder, pain and suffering.” The plaintiff also claimed interest from the date of the arbitral award dated 28 March 2014 in an arbitration case between the plaintiff and the second respondent. Lastly plaintiff prayed for costs of suit. The plaintiff in casu applied for default judgment on the basis as stated by her, that the defendants failed to enter appearance to... More

This is an application on notice of motion for leave to bring civil process against the respondent who is a sitting judge of this court. More

The applicant sued one Vincent Ncube and the respondent through the urgent chamber book. She did so under HC 7310/18. The order which the court granted to her on 9 August 2018 reads: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this honourable court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. That respondents be and are hereby ordered not to interfere with the applicant’s control and occupation and possession of 126 Edgemore Road, Park Meadowlands, Hatfield, Harare. 2. The first respondent pays the costs of suit. INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED That pending determination... More