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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application for review following the trial court’s dismissal of an application for discharge at the close of the State case. More

The applicant is a son to the late Thomas Tavagwisa Zawaira who died on 5 September 2003. The first respondent is the executor in the estate late Thomas T. Zawaira.The second respondent is cited in his official capacity.The third respondent is a mother and guardian of a minor child George Zawaira.The fourth to ninth respondents are all adults. More

[ 1] This application for a declaratur was on course for argument when Mr. Tivadar for the respondents made application for leave to file an additional affidavit in terms of rule 59 (12) of the High Court Rules 2021.Both counsel agreed that such application be made and opposed from the bar with heads of argument being subsequently filed by both sides to buttress submissions made. I will return to this point shortly, in the interim, the background to the dispute; - More

The applicant was a co-director and shareholder of the first respondent, an investment vehicle through which a property known as stand 226 Sinoia Township situated in the district of Lomagundi, also known as 4 Windsor Court, Greenwood Terrace, Mzari in Chinhoyi (the property) is owned. The said company holds title to that property by deed of transfer number 3282/85. It is some kind of loose connection in which 4 blocks of flats at that property randomly constitute 25% shareholding each with the applicant being the proud owner of one block and therefore a 25% shareholding. More

The appellant a 40 year old first offender was properly convicted after contest of contravening s 4 (a) of the Prevention of Corruption Act [Cap. 9:16]. The appellant who was employed as a Finance, Administration and Human Resources Executive by the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings corruptly appointed Raphnok Investments P/L as an advertising agent well knowing that it was not his duty to make such an appointment and that the company did not qualify for such appointment. More