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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 30 June 2021, the applicant’s legal practitioner made an application for removal of this matter from the roll. The basis was that the applicant was ill disposed. The respondent’s legal practitioner was not opposed to the application. It is trite that removal of a matter from the role is at the discretion of the court. I have noted over the years that often times matters are removed from the roll without any clear reasons or no reasons at all being endorsed on the file. It becomes difficult for a different judge upon whom the matter is then placed to... More

The applicant is the registered owner of a Toyota Chasser motor vehicle registration number ABL 2611. It was registered in her name on 9 November 2009. The first respondent is the Minister of Home Affairs cited in his official capacity as the Minister responsible for the Zimbabwe Republic Police. More

The plaintiff is the eldest daughter of the late Filmon Philemon Damasi who died on 30 March 1989 and the late Esthery Damasi who died on 5 June 1990. First defendant is the eldest son but the youngest child to the late Filmon Philemon Damasi and Esthery Damasi. The estate of late Filmon Philemon Damasi included an immovable property, that is, House No. 3685 Old Highfield, Harare of which he was the registered owner. In 1989 the first defendant was appointed executor dative to the estate late Philemon Damasi and issued with letters of administration under DRH. 389/89. More

There have been long running legal battles between the applicants on one side and the 2nd respondent on the other over occupation of the farm. The background to the battles is that the applicants were the owners of Fangudu Farm in the Umtali District. The farm was acquired by the state in 2005. Subsequent to the acquisition, the 2nd respondent was issued by the Minister of Land and Rural Resettlement with an offer letter dated 11 July 2006 to occupy the land and he proceeded to do so. More

The applicants seek a declaratory order in this matter in the following terms as appears at p 53 of the record as follows: 1. That it be and is hereby declared that the stay of execution of Honourable Mr Justice T KARWI’s provisional order under case number HC 6541/09 obtained by the third respondent as the applicant under case number HC 128/2010 (HH 16-2010) has lapsed for want of prosecution of an application for rescission of judgment within the time limits ordered and directed by Honourable Justice MUSAKWA under case number HC 128/2010 (HH 16-2010). 2. That it be and... More