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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
In terms of an amended summons and declaration filed with the Registrar of this Honourable Court on 17 December 2004, the plaintiff claimed the following amounts from the defendant: a) payment of the sum of $28 445 150.00 b) payment of the sum of $123 647 760 068.00 as on (sic) the 31st October 2004, and further sums of money reckoned from 1st November 2004, computed on the basis of a return on investment on the said sum of $123 647 760 068 on financial instruments with the Zimbabwe Development Bank maturing every (7) days, until payment in full. c)... More

After hearing submissions from both parties, I delivered an ex tempore judgment in which I dismissed the application. The applicants have requested reasons for judgment. These are they. More

The Applicant is Roy Leslie Bennett, a Member of Parliament, who is presently incarcerated at Mutoko Prison, pursuant to his committal to imprisonment by Parliament, for an effective term of 12 months beginning on the 28th of October 2004. More

The applicant is a Member of Parliament for the Chimanimani constituency. He is currently serving a sentence of 15 months imprisonment with labour of which three months were suspended for a period following his being found guilty of contempt of Parliament on 28 October 2004. More

The applicant seeks admission to bail pending his trial in this court on Monday 19 October 2009 at Mutare. More