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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The three accused persons were denied bail in the Magistrates Court on three counts of stock theft. Each count carries a minimum sentence of 9 years imprisonment. The presiding magistrate denied them bail on the basis that they likely to abscond. He reasoned that the strength of the state case and severity of sentence upon conviction were likely to induce them to abscond. More

The real issue for determination in this matter is whether the applicant and the first respondent concluded a contract for the sale of land. The facts in this matter are basically common cause. The applicant sought to buy land belonging to the first respondent. The first respondent in turn wanted to increase its revenue base from undeveloped land under its control and ownership. Commencing in 2008, the two parties entered into discussions and negotiations over land in the applicant’s central business district. More

There has been a delay in the handing down of judgment in this application. I reserved judgment after argument on 26 May 2016. The applicant’s legal practitioner wrote a follow up letter to the Registrar enquiring as to when judgment could be expected to be delivered. The letter was written on 28 October 2016 and forwarded to my clerk on 31 October 2016. More

applicant seeks an order of specific performance in the following terms: (a) That the first respondent be and is hereby ordered to manufacture, assembled and deliver to the applicant a 1 x 45 Lowbed Trailer in accordance with the specifications set out in its quotation of 4 March 2008; (b) That the first respondent be and is hereby ordered to deliver the 1 x 45 Lowbed trailer to the applicant within 10 weeks or 70 days of the granting of this order. (c) Cost of suit. More

The applicant was served with a writ of execution which was issued on the 14 June 2023. The writ seeks to evict the applicant from Jilikin 25 Mine Registration 12641 BM. On 23 June 2023 the applicant approached this court on an urgent basis seeking the following interim order: The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to desist from carrying into execution the warrant of execution in favour of 2nd and 3rd respondents under HC 6457 in an area falling in Caradac Farm Gweru with the following coordinates (A) 36K0194080 UTM 7853780 (B) 36K0194360UTM 7853920 (C) 36K0194583 UTM 7853620... More