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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The cause of action under para 1 is based on the breach of contract arising from an agreement made between the parties on or about 9 September 2005. More

The defendant applied for absolution from the instance and dismissal of the plaintiff’s case with costs at the close of the plaintiff’s case. More

This is a court application in which the applicant sought an order that: 1. The sale of a certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called Stand 5603 Budiriro Township of stand 3068 Budiriro Township (herein after referred to as the property) from Estate late Maruta Jawona to 2nd and 3rd Respondents be set aside. 2. Applicant be and is hereby given 60 days to pay to 1st Respondent payment in the sum of US40 000.00 for stand 5603 Budiriro Township of stand 3068 Budiriro Township referred to in paragraph 1 above failing which the property shall... More

On 9 October 2014, an award was issued by the Honourable Zimbudzana (the arbitrator) with the consent of both parties, in which he ordered that the applicant had been unfairly dismissed by the respondent and she was entitled to back pay and damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

This case epitomises the need for legal practitioners to have clarity of mind in deciding on a cause of action they wish to rely on. Such clarity of mind would serve to curtail pursuing untenable positions. More