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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Plaintiff and defendant married each other on 3 April 2013 in terms of the then Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. The marriage was blessed with three children, Mufaro Gumbo (born 2 March 2006), Rufaro Gumbo (born 2 March 2006) and Jesse Fortune Gumbo (born 27 May 2011). On 13 May 2020 plaintiff sued out summons for divorce and ancillary relief. She stated in her declaration that the relationship between the parties has irretrievably broken down to such an extent that there is no reasonable prospect of the restoration of a normal marriage relationship between the parties. She claimed to have suffered... More

This is an appeal against sentence only. On 3 July 2020 the appellants appeared before the Magistrates Court sitting at Kariba whereupon they were convicted on their own pleas of guilty on a charge of contravening s 4(1) as read with s 4(2) of the Firearms Act [Chapter 10:09], that is, possession of a firearm without a certificate. Both were sentenced to 36 months imprisonment of which 12 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual condition of good behaviour. In addition the 303 rifle was forfeited to the State. The effective custodial term in respect of each... More

On 9 February 2017 this court upheld an appeal by Rusape Town Council and gave the following order: 1. The appeal be and is hereby upheld. The decision of the court a quo is set aside and substituted as follows: 2. The plaintiff’s claim is dismissed. 3. The first respondent shall bear the costs of the appeal. More

The plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is for the sum of US$14 287 in respect of which the defendant signed an acknowledgment of debt. The plaintiff contends that the said amount is due to it for cigarettes sold by it to the defendant. The defendant on the other hand alleges that the acknowledgment of debt relied upon is a forgery and denies being indebted to the plaintiff. More

The appellant filed a claim in the court a quo, against the respondent whereby she was claiming payment of the sum of US$1 149-00 being the balance in respect of goods advanced to and received by the respondent on credit. The claim was contested on the basis that the respondent owed the appellant much less as she had paid some of the money and returned some of the goods. The respondent conceded to owing the appellant US$380-00. After a full trial, the magistrate made an order that the respondent pays the applicant the amount the respondent admitted owing and absolution... More