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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
On 27 July 2013, and at around 1730, the appellant was driving a Toyota Corolla along Samora Machel Road due east. The now deceased was cycling also due east between the yellow carriage marking and the verge of the road. The appellant hit the deceased with her vehicle. More

This is an application for review of the Master’s decision regarding the resolution a dispute using s 68G of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 6:01] which deals with whether customary law should apply to a deceased person’s estate. Having decided that customary law should apply, the essence of the Master’s decision, (cited as the first respondent in this matter), was to reduce the applicant’s civil marriage to a customary one in accordance with s 68(4) of the Administration of Estates. This was on the basis that at the time the civil marriage was contracted, the now deceased was married... More

The plaintiff on 13 May 2011 issued summons out of this court seeking a decree of divorce, custody of the two minor children and division of the assets of the parties on the basis irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. More

This is an application to amend the applicant’s plea. At the beginning of the hearing respondents counsel asked for the expunging of the applicant’s answering affidavit as it was filed late and after respondent’s heads of argument had been filed. More

The applicant is a commercial farmer who used to own Valhalla, Farm in Rusape which is now State land. He has remained on that farm by virtue of a consent order issued by the Administrative Court on 7 October 2002 in terms of which the first respondent agreed not to acquire the farm in question. He also relies on a letter dated 19 December 2007 in which the District Administrator recommended that he continues farming on the farm. More