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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant is seeking cancellation or confirmation of cancellation of an agreement of sale which the parties entered into on 19 January 2015. In terms of that agreement the applicant sold an immovable property known as Stand 1584 Rydale Ridge Park measuring 588 square metres to the two respondents for USD16 700. More

The applicant approached this court on an urgent basis seeking the following relief: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: (a) 2nd Respondent be and is hereby barred from impounding Applicant’s title deeds. (b) 2nd Respondent be and is hereby barred from refusing to register the transfer of Applicant’s stands at 1st Respondent’s instance excerpt in accordance with a Court order. (c) 1st Respondent shall not apply to any Court in Zimbabwe for an order barring 2nd Respondent from registering the transfer... More

The parties entered into an instalment sale of a residential stand situate at Rydale Ridge Park being Stand Number 3047 on 7 September 2018. The purchase price was US$18 500.00 payable on the following terms: US$5 000.00 deposit and US$563.00 per month paid over a period of 24 months beginning on 1 October 2018. If mathematics is still a trusted science, the last and final instalment would have been on 1 September 2020. Key in the agreement of sale and to these proceedings between the parties are clauses (a) and (b) of the Agreement of Sale which read as follows:... More

The applicant is the holder of title of a certain piece of land in the District of Salisbury Called Stand 45A Ardbennie Industrial Township(hereinafter referred to as “the property”). On 27 September 2016, applicant and the respondent entered into an agreement of sale in respect of the property. More

This is a matter in which I stayed my decision pending the determination of an appeal in case number CA197/07. The appeal was determined on 5 October 2011 but the respondent in this case promptly noted an appeal with the Supreme Court against the judgment of HLATSHWAYO J. The parties submitted that the determination of the matter again be stayed pending the decision of the Supreme Court. By letter dated 29 October 2012 the parties advised that the appeal before the Supreme Court had been removed from the roll by consent of both parties. Thus, as there is no longer... More