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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The English phrase which reads ‘Let sleeping dogs lie’ carries a lot of meaning with it. Whoever coined the phrase as such must have done his homework. He must have applied his mind to the same. He must, in my view, have realised that, when a person calls at another’s home and finds the dogs at the residence in a sleeping mode, the risk of him being bitten by them is less where he allows them to continue to enjoy their sleep than when he does anything which disturbs their sleep. He must have realised that the moment that he... More

On 24 August 2018 I heard an application for spoliation and granted the following order in favour of the applicant after delivering an ex tempore judgment. “It be and is hereby ordered that÷ 1. Applicant is restored unhindered possession of stand 8282 Kirkman Gardens, Harare and second respondent shall forthwithremove 1st respondent and his cabin from stand 8282 Kirkman Gardens, Harare. 2. 1st respondent is ordered to maintain peace and applicant’s undisturbed access to stand 8282 Kirkman Gardens Harare.” More

J: This is an application for confirmation of a provisional order that was granted on 25 November 2016. The relief that is now being sought is an order declaring the applicant to be the owner of stand number 7804 Belvedere West, Harare More

This is an application for summary judgment wherein the applicant seeks the following relief:- (a) An order evicting the respondent from premises known as 36 Miranzi Road, Kambanji, Harare. (b) Payment of arrear rentals in the sum of US$16 00 for the months of July 2009 to December 2009. (c) Holding over damages at the rate of US$300 monthly from January 2010 up to the time the respondent vacates or is enacted from the premises, and (d) Costs of suit. More

This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the Magistrate sitting at Harare Civil Magistrate court on 7 December 2021.The second appellant and the respondent are husband and wife married on 22 September 1993 under [Chapter 5:11] and their marriage still subsists. See exhibit 1 (the marriage certificate). Both jointly owned Stand Number 5868 Westlea, Harare, and regarded it as their matrimonial home as per exhibit 2 (the memorandum of agreement signed by the parties). The first appellant and the respondent are blood sisters. More