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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The Plaintiff issued summons against the 2 (two) Defendants jointly and severally out of this Court. It is seeking specific performance in the form of delivery of 4 (four) brand new Toyota Land Cruiser LC200 motor vehicles which they failed or neglected to deliver despite being paid. Alternatively, payment of a sum of US$633 257.00 payable in its equivalent in the local currency at the official rate being the purchase price for the 4 (four) motor vehicles in question. Leave to amend the claim to reflect the above claim was granted at the pre-trial conference. More

On the 28 November 2017 I granted the applicant’s application and my reasons thereof were as follows: On the 7th November 2017 the applicants filed an urgent chamber application seeking an order that: “Final relief More

After hearing both counsels in argument we allowed this appeal and indicated that our reasons for that decision will follow. These are the reasons. Appellant was charged with unlawful entry in aggravated circumstances as defined in s 131(2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. After a contested trial, the appellant was found guilty as charged. He was thereupon sentenced to thirty-six months imprisonment of which twelve months suspended were on appropriate conditions. He appeals against both conviction and sentence. More

The plaintiff is a duly registered housing co-operative. The defendants are all occupying the plaintiff’s administration block at Acorn Farm in Harare. The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants on 18 December 2014, for an order that they vacate its administration block. More

The applicant and the first andthird respondents are siblings born of the second respondent and the late Basheer Ahmed Ebrahim. The late Basheer Ahmed Ebrahim(hereinafter referred to as the deceased) died intestate on the 15thApril 2016 in China and left behind an Estate with various personal assets and various interests in some companies in Zimbabwe and SouthAfrica. At the time of deceased’s death applicant was in the UK. She thereafter came back in time for the holding of an edict meeting at which first respondent was appointed Executrix Dative with the consent of all the beneficiaries including applicant. More