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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The applicant seeks the grant of an order in the following terms: “1. That on service of this order upon the second respondent, the said second respondent cause to be paid out of its account with the third respondent such a sum as will satisfy the judgment issued out of this Honourable Court in cases number HC 6220/13 and HC 10786/14. 2. That should the second respondent fail to pay the applicant as required in terms of paragraph 1, then the third respondent is restrained from paying to the second respondent any proceeds in an account No. 06109-01120051570077, Kwame Nkrumah... More

The plaintiff issued summons on 23 July 2007 claiming the following relief: “(a) An order declaring that the only families entitled to the Mapanzure chieftainship are the following families: 1. Chimbuya 2. Magwirokona 3. Mavhengere 4. Bwangundoga 5. Mupandasekwa 6. Gwenhamo 7. Shumbayaonda; More

This is an appeal against both the conviction and sentence. [2] The appellant and four others were convicted after a protracted trial on a charge of tampering with apparatus for the supply or generation of electricity as defined in s 60A of the Electricity Act [Chapter 13:19]. [3] The Regional Court sitting at Karoi having found no special circumstances, sentenced each to the mandatory minimum 10 years imprisonment. More

Samson Njanina filed the matter, before this court, with the Registrar of the Electoral Court on the 18th July 2008. ZANU PF and MDC T Political parties contested the matter by filing notices of opposition. The 1st respondent did not respond. More

Appeal against refusal of bail pending appeal The applicants who face charges of fraud were denied bail by the magistrate’s court. In order to reverse the findings of the lower court it is trite that the misdirection complained of must appear from the record of proceedings in theexercise by the court ofitsdiscretion. See Barrows& Another v Chimponda 1991 (1) ZLR 58 (S) and Aitken & Anorv Attorney General 1992 (1) ZLR 249(S). More