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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The first respondent is a registered trade union for the baking industry. The first and the second applicants were in 2015 employed in the baking industry and were members of the first respondent. They were elected into the national executive of the first respondent as President and National Treasurer respectively at the first respondent’s National Congress held between 19 and 21 February 2015. Their tenure of office was to expire in 2020. Their employment in the industry was terminated by their respective employers in the same year, that is in 2015. On 24 September 2016, the Bakery Industry Workers Union... More

The applicant brings an application to compel the return of his biscuit making equipment which is in the possession of the first and second respondents. More

On 1 June 2017, after hearing counsel for both parties we dismissed the appeal with costs. Herein are the reasons for our decision. More

On 10 August 2012 after hearing counsel for the applicant and the first respondent I granted the following provisional order; “INTERIM RELIEF GRANTED Pending return date the applicant is granted the following:- 1. 1st respondent or his assignee be and is hereby ordered to stop forthwith quarrying activities on the applicant’s farm namely Coburn 27A till finalisation of the matter on the return date. 2. 2nd respondent or his assignee be and is hereby barred from authorising the 1st respondent from carrying out quarrying activities on the applicant’s farm namely Coburn 27A till finalisation of this matter on the return... More

The plaintiff is currently the acting headmaster of Tsatsi High School in Domboshava but his homestead, where his wife still resides, (their children, the oldest of which is 25 with the youngest aged 10 years, having moved out or are attending school), is at Majuru line in Goromonzi. At the material time, he was the headmaster of Mkombami High School in Goromonzi, a post he was forced to vacate on 19 September 2011 following disturbances and accusations levelled against him. More