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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an application in which the applicant, Samuel Mugano seeks joinder to case Number HC 14134/12 of the first respondent, a registered Trust called Fintrac. It is a matter in which applicant (as defendant) is being sued by the second respondent ZFC, (as plaintiff) for a debt of US$58 034.45 for inputs received from it in the form of seed potato, fertilisers and chemicals some time on December 2011. Applicant is one of a group of 234 farmers called Bende Farmers, in Nyanga, who received these inputs from the second respondent. More

The plaintiff married the defendant on 23 December 2000 at Rusape in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11]. The marriages still subsists. They had however commenced living together as husband and wife about two or three years before that date. Their union was blessed with one minor child born on 20 June 1997. At the time plaintiff and defendant started staying together plaintiff had not yet finalized his divorce from a previous marriage. More

The applicants approached this court for a review of the decision of the first respondent to cancel their lease agreement which was issued under the land reform and resettlement programme. More

The applicant, San He Mining Zimbabwe [Pvt] Ltd [“San He”], has brought a combined application in respect of an arbitral award, on 28 July 2022 by the second respondent, the arbitrator, retired judge, Mr Justice Chinhengo. On the one hand it seeks the setting aside of that portion of the award adverse to it. On the other hand, it seeks the registration of that portion of the award beneficial to it, but as amended. The combined application is said to have been brought in terms of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law [UNCITRAL] Model Law, an annexure to... More

The applicant is a limited liability mining concern duly registered in terms of the company laws of Zimbabwe. The first respondent is the Mining Commissioner for the Midlands Province. He is a public officer and government bureaucrat cited in his official capacity as the authority responsible for issuing mining licences and permits among other responsibilities. The second respondent is the Secretary for Mines and Mining Development. He equally holds public office and is a government functionary. The third respondent is the Minister of Mines and Mining Development. He is cited in his official capacity as the authority responsible charged with... More