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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
Applicant has instituted an urgent chamber application against first, second and third respondent claiming a provisional order in the following terms:- Terms of final order sought That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be granted that (1) The applicant be declared the rightful owner of the mine called Virginia 2 registration number 4588 in Kadoma and Virginia 7 registration number 4589 in Kadoma. (2) That the first respondent pay costs on a legal practitioner and client scale. Interim order granted. (1) The Notice issued in the Government gazette published on the 8th January... More

The applicant and the first respondent entered into a Services Agreement on 29 December 2009. It was for a fixed period, (though providing for renewal) terminating on 31 October 2015. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Gweru Magistrates court delivered on 20 April 2010 in which the court a quo inter alia granted sole custody of two minor children to the respondent without also granting appellant reasonable access, maintenance in respect of the appellant in the sum of $300,00 per month and a reciprocal protection order against both parties. More

On 18 November 2020, the parties in this matter signed a Consent Paper in which Respondent agreed that he would pay the applicant USD1200within 12 months of the grant of a divorce order. The money was proceeds of the sale of applicant’s vehicle which respondent admitted to have disposed of. On 10 December 2020 a decree of divorce was granted incorporating the consent paper. It is alleged that the respondent has refused or neglected to comply with the order. A writ of execution was issued following which the sheriff issued a nulla bona return. Summons for civil imprisonment were issued.... More

The applicant has approached this court on an urgent basis seeking interim relief interdicting the respondents from disposing of, transferring or selling house number 67 – 12th Crescent, Warren Park 1, Harare, a property which she occupies. She would also want the respondents to be interdicted from evicting her from the said property until such time that her appeal (CIV A217/08) against a decision of the magistrate court dividing that property between herself and her former customary husband, the second respondent, has been determined and her suits in HC 10803/12 and HC 10043/13 have been determined. More