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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The appellant appeared before a Magistrates’ Court sitting at Bindura charged with the offence of contravening section 66 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] – aggravated indecent assault (5 counts). More

This is an application for change of name made in terms of s24 (2) of the Companies Act [Chapter 24.03] as well as under the common law. The purpose of this application is basically to seek an order- (a) Directing the first to the forth respondents to change their registered names from their present names (Sheltersol Holdings (Pvt) Ltd, Sheltersol Finance (Pvt) Ltd, Sheltersol Property Development (Pvt) Ltd and Sheltersol Manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd respectively to such other names as do not contain the word “Shelter” in them. (b) Failing compliance with paragraph (a) above, that the fifth respondent be directed... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendants for the following relief: 1. That the plaintiff be and is hereby declared the rightful owner of Stand number 454 Unit Seke, Chitungwiza. 2. That the transfer of Stand 454 Unit C Seke, Chitungwiza into Gideon Musendo’s name be and is hereby nullified. 3. That the 2nd defendant cede rights, title and interest in the property aforementioned back to the plaintiff within seven (7) days of this order failure of which the Sheriff be and is hereby empowered to signal documents necessary to effect cession to the Plaintiff 4. That the 1st defendant... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Chitungwiza magistrate handed down on 25 March 2009, awarding the appellant 15% of the value of the immovable property acquired by the parties during the subsistence of their four year unregistered customary law marriage. More

This is an application for review in which the applicant seeks the setting aside of his discharge from the Zimbabwe Republic Police. The application is opposed by the respondents. More