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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
: When we adjourned yesterday I had asked counsel to prepare heads of argument to give the court a broader and a more informed perception of the issues that occupied all of us yesterday. Immediately the parties had left my chambers and as I embarked on my crash research exercise, I realized I was able to come up with a decision unaided by counsel. More

On 13 March 2015 the plaintiffs issued summons against the defendants. In their prayer they were asking for: “1. An order for eviction of the 1st defendant and all those claiming occupation through her from Stand 9568 Budiriro 5B, Harare. 2. An order that the 2nd defendant against payment of the balance of US$1 700.00 (one thousand seven hundred United States dollars) tenders cession to the plaintiffs of Stand 9568 Budiriro 5B, Harare. More

The plaintiffs’ claim is for delictual damages in the sum of $200 000.00 for each one of them against the defendants. More

Six persons constitute the judgment creditor. They worked for Cost Benefit Holdings (Pvt) Limited, the judgment debtor. They took the judgment debtor to arbitration. More

These interpleader proceedings stem from an attachment of mining equipment carried out by the applicant at Mbada Diamonds (Pvt) Ltd, [hereinafter referred to as Mbada] in Chiadzwa, Mutare. More