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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is a chamber application for the registration of an arbitration award as an order of this court for purposes of execution. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment brought by the first applicant and the second applicant. The first applicant is a duly registered company and the second applicant is the majority shareholder of the first applicant and its managing director. More

This is a court application for review of the decision made by the Provincial Magistrate Ms N Marufu, the fourth respondent, sitting at Magistrates Court (Civil) at Harare on 24 October 2023. In terms of that decision the court a quo dismissed the applicant, Shinedrive Auto Services (Pvt) Ltd.’s court application for amendment of summons. More

The factual background to this matter, briefly outlined, is that the applicant and the second respondent are registered holders of blocks of mining claims in the Mashonaland East Province. The applicant owns claims under the block Chifumbi 2 Mine (Registration No. 1688G). The second respondent owns claims under the block Averum 22 (Registration No. 37918). A dispute arose between the applicant and the second respondent when the latter started mining in an area the applicant claimed was within his registered claims. The dispute was adjudicated upon by the first respondent, resulting in a determination issued on 1 December 2022. In... More

The applicant filed an application in which he sought a declaratur to the effect that the Master of the High Court’s appointment of George Lentaigne Ingran Lock as executor in a deceased estate of Farida Hattena DR 722/17 be declared null and void. George Lock is the first respondent in this matter whilst the Master is the third respondent. Also sought was that the removal of one Freddy Chambari as curator bonis in that estate be declared null and void. However, Freddy Chimbari is himself not a party to the application. The agreement of sale of the deceased Farida Hatttena... More