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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This is an action in which the plaintiff sued the defendants for an eviction from a property called Stand 421 Borrowdale Township 26 of Subdivision D of Lot 8 Borrowdale Estate also known as Number 421 Lockerby Close Borrowdale Harare hereinafter referred to as “the property”. More

The plaintiff and the defendant who are wife and husband respectively married each other in KweKwe on 16 June 1995 in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11]. Prior to that they had had their first child on 25 October 1991 and in 1992 started living together as husband and wife according to customary rites. All in all the parties have been living together for about 19 years as husband and wife. The plaintiff issued summons out of the court on 20 November 2003 seeking a decree of divorce on the basis of irretrievable breakdown, an order for custody of... More

On the 29 May 2024 the court dismissed the application for leave to appeal. The following are the reasons for that decision. In the matter under judgment HH 415/23 Applicant had approached the Court seeking the setting aside of the appointment of the first Respondent as the Executor of the Estate late Leah Nyamazana, DR KM 24/22. She also sought the setting aside of the award of a property in Kadoma to the first Respondent. Applicant was married to the first Respondent’s brother, Wellingtom Dube, who passed away in 2018. She had been staying at the property at the centre... More

This is an application for review of the decision of the first respondent herein (the Master) in accepting the will of the late Haggai Morel Mubariki who passed away on 8 January 2021. The review application is brought by his widow, Silence Mubariki, with whom the deceased had a civil marriage. More

In this urgent chamber application the applicants seek a spoliation order couched as follows: “It is ordered that: 1. That applicants’ their employees, agents or invitees possession to Lot 8 of Newcastle also known as Silverton Estates in the District of Chipinge be restored. 2. That first to third respondents and all others acting through them provide free and unfettered access by applicants, their employees, agents or invitees to Lot 8 of Newcastle. 3. That the Deputy Sheriff, should it become necessary, be and is hereby authorized and empowered to attend to the removal of first to third respondents and... More