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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
We dismissed the appeal in this matter and gave our reasons ex tempore. The appellant subsequently, inarticulately requested for a certificate to enable him to approach the Supreme Court. Essentially the appellant wants the written judgment of the court. More

The plaintiff and the defendant are husband and wife who were married on 31 July 2015, in Harare, in terms of the then Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11]. The marriage was blessed with two children being Elianna Tadiwa Ruwodo (born on 8 February 2017) and Alayna Atipa Ruwodo (born on 5 March 2021). The marriage relationship has fallen on unhappy times leading to the institution of these divorce proceedings. More

This is an application for stay of execution of a default judgment. The facts are briefly asfollows. Applicant borrowed some money from respondent which money applicant failed to repay in full resulting in respondent issuing summons claiming payment of the sum of $520 000-00. Applicant had signed an acknowledgement of debt wherein he acknowledged owing respondent that amount. Upon receipt of the summons, applicant entered appearance to defend within the diesinduciae. Somehow a default judgment was granted after a request had been made. The applicant applied for rescission of that default judgment. He has also applied for an order staying... More

According to the applicant, sometime in 2009, he joined the Chimoyo Housing Cooperative Society in order to secure a residential property. Prior to the applicant joining the Chimoyo Housing Co-operative, the applicant averred that in 2008 Chimoyo Housing Cooperative was given a block of stands ranging from Stand Number 6380-6391 Retreat Waterfalls by the then Harare Metropolitan province Resident Minister. The applicant further stated that Chimoyo Housing Co-operative then distributed these block of stands to its various paid up members. The applicant claimed to have been allocated Stand No. 6385 Retreat Farm Waterfalls, (hereinafter called “the property”) in 2014, by... More

The 3 applicants appeared in a joint trial before the Provincial Magistrate’s court at Harare Magistrates Court where they were jointly charged with contravening s 5 (3) (a) of the Public Health (Covid-19 Prevention and Containment Regulations SI 77 of 2020 ie. Pasturing and Convening a Public Gathering. They all pleaded guilty to the charge and were duly found guilty and sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment 5 months of which was suspended for 3 years on condition that they do not contravene the said Regulations. The applicants were dissatisfied with the sentence which they regarded for reasons addressed in the... More