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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
This application came by way of a summary judgment application as per R 30 of the High Court Rules 2021. The applicants seek in the main the eviction of respondent and all those who claim occupation through him from Ranch 1090 Hampshire Estate Wilshire Chivhu (hereinafter called the farm). More

The appellant, a foreign national, was arrested and prosecuted in Zimbabwe for violating the national laws regulating dealings in arms and munitions. He was sentenced to a term of imprisonment. Arising out of the charges and whilst the appellant was still serving his term of imprisonment in Zimbabwe, the respondent made a formal request to Zimbabwe in terms of the Extradition Act [Chapter 9.08] (“the Act”), for the extradition of the appellant. In its request, the respondent alleged that the appellant had illicitly dealt in arms and munitions in Zimbabwe as he was enroute to the respondent where he had... More

On 28 July 2004 the appellant was arraigned before the Provincial Magistrates Court, Harare on two charges. Firstly, he was charged with contravening s 4 (2) (b) of the Firearms Act [Cap 10:09]. Secondly, he was charged, with contravening s 13 (1) (e) of the Public Order and Security Act [Cap 11:17]. The appellant tendered a limited plea of attempting to contravene s 4 (2) (b) of the Firearms Act. The State declined to accept such limited plea. In respect of count two he tendered a plea of guilty and he was duly convicted on his own plea. The State... More

This is an application brought in terms of s 4 of the Administrative Justice Act [Chapter 10.23] (the Act) for the setting aside of the vote of no confidence against the applicant as conference lay leader of the first respondent (The Zimbabwe East Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church of Zimbabwe) which was conducted by the first respondent and presided over by the second respondent (Bishop Eben Kanukayi Nhiwatiwa). The application is brought on the basis that the vote of no confidence was unlawful and was conducted in a procedurally irregular manner contrary to the first respondent’s duty to... More

On 3 November 2021 Plaintiff issued summons against Defendant claiming the eviction of Defendantand repossession of stand No 16586 Simon Mazorodze Housing Co-operative, Fountainbleau, Kuwadzana Phase 3 Dzivaresekwa Harare, arising from a breach of Plaintiff’s by-laws and irregularities that characterize the allocation of the stand, and costs of suit on attorney- client scale. More