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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by court
The plaintiff sued, the defendant by summons action for 2 claims arising out of 2 separate agreements allegedly entered into between the parties about year 2000. The first claim was for payment of a sum of $420 000-00 in Zimbabwean currency withheld by the defendant as penalty at the termination of a Pension Fund Administration Mandate given to the defendant and, related to that, payment of the sum of $83 127 870 000-00 as damages arising out of the penalty levied by the defendant for the termination of the mandate aforesaid. More

this is a landlord and tenant dispute. Plaintiff entered into a written lease agreement with an entity identified therein as “Treat and Company”, on 1 November 2020. It is not in dispute that an entity named Treat and Company (Pvt) Ltd, the present objector, took occupation of the premises known as Shop Number 5, Rolf Valley Shopping Centre, in Rolf Valley, Harare at a monthly rental of US$2,600. [7] Plaintiff avers that defendant defaulted in rental payments for the period April to December 2021 accumulating arrears in the sum of US$18,360. Plaintiff instituted present proceedings seeking a recovery of that... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant on 31 November 2009 for the payment of US$37 873-10 arising from the sale and delivery of wheat feed and soya meal during the period extending from 3 July to 15 July 2009. The defendant admitted that payment in the sum claimed was outstanding. It, however, contested the matter on the ground that the plaintiff owed it a sum in excess of the claim by US$29 850-90 arising from overpayments made during the period 2 June to 7 July for the purchase of bulk (loose and not bagged) maize. It counterclaimed for the... More

The applicant was the Attorney-General for the Republic of Zimbabwe up to May 2008 when he was removed from that office.. His removal from office was publicly announced by a notice appearing in the Government Gazette of 16 May 2008. Following this, a letter was dispatched to him by the Chief Secretary to the President and Cabinet on 23 May 2008, informing him of the termination of his services as Attorney-General. More

This is an application for rescission of default judgment granted against applicant on 19th of July 2017 in terms of r 63 of this Honourable Court’s Rules 1971 on the basis that the notice of set down for trial was served on applicant’s erstwhile legal practitioners, Mutumbwa Mugabe Legal Practitioners, who went on to renounce agency and never notified applicant of the set down date. More